Holistic Living

holistic living

Holistic Living

I was introduced to holistic living (treating the body as a whole; not as isolated issues) when I found myself battling Lymes disease 8 years ago, and treating Lyme naturally has changed my life. I grew up eating like most Americans with a little more restraint and more home cooked meals than most, but it still left my body helpless when faced with what many would believe to be a chronic illness. I didn't know better back then, and it never crossed my mind to cross examine the commercials, doctors, and mainstream lifestyle that many follow. I have since then learned an abundance of information in the area of holistic living, detox, unconventional treatments, and homeopathic methods. I am by no means an expert, but I have found many things just make sense and really do work. I am excited to share small lifestyle changes, home remedies, and other natural ideas with you, so you can benefit from making the small changes that make a longterm difference to your health.

History of Holistic Living

Holistic living is nothing new. China is the greatest proponent of holistic living. Followed by Egypt and then New Zealand. It is not surprising that China is the leading users and developers of holistic methods as they are known as the inventors of the holistic method. According to China Education Center, “the first recorded history of Tradition Chinese Medicine dates back over two thousand years, it is believed that the origins of TCM go back more than five thousand years.” Holistic medicine has been around for a very long time and has proven to be successful time and time again. 

Holistic Living Today

I am very thankful that there are ways to heal and prevent illness in our bodies besides conventional medicine. Don't get me wrong; I am thankful for conventional methods in cases of emergencies where my life is in danger! My desire, though, would be that more research would be done on the herbal remedies and the power of food and exercise to heal our bodies.

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates

To kickstart your holistic living, try Lemongrass Spa's Detoxification Essential Oil Blend! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions about Lemongrass Spa products or comments on holistic living. 

A cleansing, fresh fusion of pink and white grapefruit, lemon, lime, mint, helichrysum and coriander. 
holistic living
Detoxification Essential Oil Blend - Lemongrass Spa

holistic living

The information on www.alittlelavender.com is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider.


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