Skin Care Products - Toxins, Chemicals, and the Poison Within

natural skin care, cruelty free skin care, organic skin care, made in the usa skin care

In this post, you will find a video with an overview of the Toxins, Chemicals, and Poisons that are in many conventional skin care products.

Speaking of poison, I know that in the play, Romeo and Juliet, poison is romanticized as the two lovers succumb to a series of misunderstandings (ah, young love)! Soon we have the two believing that death will reunite them.

Poison, deadly daggers. . . you would never knowingly allow someone you love (or yourself) to place anything toxic on your skin. Yet, poison is exactly what many of the conventional companies are putting into everyday products we all use. For those of you that do better with visuals, The Story of Cosmetics is a great overview of what large skin care companies are putting into your products and the FDAs regulation, or lack there of, of many skin care products found in our homes.

I also included a list below of truly safe alternatives for the products you are currently using on a daily basis. 

For those of you looking to make the switch to natural products that are free of gluten, parabens, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances and ingredients, I hope this video inspires you to take that leap into safer healthier skin care products. 

List of Safe Skin Care Products Free of Parabens, Sulfates, and Synthetic Ingredients and Fragrances.

1) Body Lotion - Many conventional body lotions contain hormone disruptive chemicals like parabens and oxybenzone. The average number of chemicals in a bottle of lotion is 32. 

~The following natural lotions are free of all those toxic chemicals, made fresh, only made with natural ingredients, scented with organic essential oils and/or botanicals, and made right here in the USA: Body Icing OR Hand & Body Lotion

2) Mascara - Cancer causing imidazolidinyl urea is found in many mascaras! On average, 26 chemicals are found in both mascara and eye shadow.

~ This Organic Mascara is free of any chemicals and is water resistant and made with coffee and grapefruit. Smells good enough to eat! 

3) Anti-Aging Skincare - Many anti-aging skin care contains retinal acetate and BHA; both are cancer causing chemicals. The average number of chemicals found in anti-aging skin care products is 30.

~ These incredible anti aging serums are a great addition to a facial care routine or to add a boost to any face cream. 

4) Baby Wash - The last thing you want to put on your little one is an allergy causing or immunotoxicity product, but that is exactly what is in many of the baby washes sold today. Sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate is found in the majority of the beauty products out there, even ones deemed as "natural." 

~ Be sure your baby isn't being put at risk of allergies or immunotoxicity! This prebiotic baby wash has everything your babies skin needs all while feeding the friendly bacteria!

5) Shampoo - Same as the baby washes, shampoos contain sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, but they can also contain cocamide dea. Cocamide dea can cause cancer; not what you want to be putting on your head. 

~ Needless to say, it is important that your shampoo be free of "shams" or "poo!" These botanical shampoos are free of all "shams" and "poos."

6) Antibacterial Soap - Hormone disrupting triclosan and parabens can be found in antibacterial soap. Don't know about you, but I don't want any crazy hormone disruption to my kiddos or myself.

~ Try this prebiotic hand wash, and I promise you won't be disappointed! I have fallen in love with the prebiotic skin care products through Lemongrass Spa! Leaves hands feeling soft, and I know that it has done the job of getting my hands free of flu causing bacteria without any dangerous chemicals.

7) Deodorant - If your deodorant lists aluminum as an ingredient, it's time for a new one! Aluminum is a neurotoxicity that causes a slough of terrible symptoms.

~ Check out these natural deodorants free of neurotoxicity and parabens: Natural Deodorant. Even if you do not get any of these, there are many great options on the market for natural deodorants! Piper Wai, Primal Pit Paste, and others are available at Whole Foods Market.

8) Vicks - A warning has been issued for the Vicks VapoRub! "According to Dr. Bruce Rubin from Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Vicks VapoRub can have severe effects on breathing in young children because it may stimulate mucus production and airway inflammation." ~ 

~ The Soothing Balm is the BALM! Smells amazing, non-toxic, and helps clear airways while you fight off that pesky cold.

9) Blush - You may not be able to say it but quaternium-15 can cause cancer and is found in many blushes. There is so much talk about protecting against skin cancer, yet you don't have to go out into the sun to be at risk. 

~ Try this beautiful, natural blush! Trust me . . . you will love it! But even more importantly, you won't be putting your skin at risk.

10) Lipstick - The toxins found in lipstick are a double whammy! Not only are you putting the toxins on your skin, you are also ingesting them. Retinyl palmitate (synthetic vitamin A) and BHT are cancer causing and very possibly found in your lipstick. 

~ These beautiful, natural lipstick shades are non-toxic! They also look great, moisturize, and taste great! Truly kissable, just in time for the mistletoe season.

I love to hear from you. What changes have you made in your skin care routine or other areas of your life to eliminate toxins and chemicals?


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